
House of Deputies of The Episcopal Church


The 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church was held in Austin, Texas (Diocese of Texas) from July 5 – July 13, 2018.

Committee Rosters: General Convention 2018

Legislative committees of deputies, along with parallel legislative committees of bishops, work before and during General Convention to review and propose legislation for the convention to consider. For General Convention 2018, President Jennings has appointed the deputy committees listed below. Read her letter about committee appointments, and review the list of legislative committee officers. 01…
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General Convention Overview Calendar Online in 2018

For General Convention 2018, the General Convention Office will keep an “overview calendar” that includes official events of both the General Convention and the Episcopal Church Women Triennial Conference as well as events being held during convention by Episcopal Church organizations. See the calendar online, and find information about listing your organization’s or deputation’s event on…
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Legislative Aide Applications Due March 16

At each General Convention, legislative aides serve the House of Deputies by working closely with the officers of legislative committees to help legislation move through convention efficiently and smoothly. In 2018, as in 2015, legislative aides will be appointed through an open application process. Both alternate deputies and volunteers who will attend General Convention at…
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Announcement of Legislative Committee Officers/Un Anuncio de los Oficiales de los Comités Legislativos

November 29, 2017 Dear Deputies: With a side of turkey over the holiday weekend, I finished one of my favorite tasks of the triennium: appointing deputies to serve as legislative committee officers for General Convention. Today I’m sending that list to all of you so you can begin to prepare for convention by learning who…
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Preliminary Budget Draft and Survey Now Available: A Letter from President Jennings

Dear Deputies, The preliminary draft of the 2019-2021 triennium budget, prepared by Executive Council’s Finance for Mission Committee (FFM), is now available online. An overview of the budget prepared by the committee is also available. After you have reviewed the overview and draft budget, I hope that you will take the online survey about the budget. This survey will provide both FFM…
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Letting Our Light Shine in Texas: A Letter from the Presiding Bishop and President of the House of Deputies

August 16, 2017 Dear People of God in the Episcopal Church: Yesterday, the Texas legislature adjourned its special session without passing a so-called “bathroom bill,” which threatened to write discrimination against transgender people into state law. We give thanks for all of the Texan Episcopalians, elected officials, business leaders, and advocates who raised their voices…
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Legislative Committee Survey Now Online
legislative committee hearing

[En ingles y español] July 14, 2017 Dear Deputies, In preparation for the 79th General Convention in July 2018, I am beginning the process of appointing deputies to legislative committees. The Presiding Bishop and I wrote to bishops and deputies about our plans for legislative committees on July 6; you can read that letter on…
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Legislative Committees Announced: Letter from Presiding Bishop Curry and President Jennings

[En ingles y español] July 6, 2017 Dear Deputies and Bishops, We’re just over a year away from the 79th General Convention, and already, planning is in high gear. Part of our role in those preparations, as set forth by the Rules of Order of the House of Deputies and House of Bishops, is to…
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