00:23:09 Rebecca Wilson (she/her): The draft Special Rules of Order are available here: https://files.constantcontact.com/851f413b201/f642dd03-3fb7-4312-9caf-41082ca15381.pdf?rdr=true 00:24:27 Anne Kitch: Thanks Rebecca 00:29:55 Janet Day-Strehlow: Bryan said this was emailed to us, but did not see it. Do you know when it was sent out? thanks 00:30:07 Janet Day-Strehlow: thanks 00:30:33 Kathleen Moore (she/her): The draft Special Rules of Order are available here: https://files.constantcontact.com/851f413b201/f642dd03-3fb7-4312-9caf-41082ca15381.pdf?rdr=true 00:31:49 Roy Green (Eastern Oregon): Thank you for the link. Email did not arrive before this session. 00:34:20 Gary Meade: In the event that a committee needs to meet during Convention, will physical space be provided, or that will be done online only? 00:34:28 Charlotte Meyer: June 6 or July 6? 00:34:35 Fr. RJ Powell: Not July 6? 00:35:10 Linda Watt: If the HoB’s action on a resolution is to “take no further action” or to defer to next GC, will the resolution therefore never come to the HoD? 00:36:53 Rebekah Hatch I ECCT (Alt.) I she/her: At a glance, in the doc, it says June 6 for resolutions (with some additional details), with amendments by July 5 - not sure if that's correct? 00:37:04 Cynthia Park: I’m confused. I thought we began on July 8. I changed my airline tickets because of this, 00:37:58 Eliot Moss: The in-person meeting in Baltimore is indeed July 8-11, Cynthia. 00:38:27 Kathleen Moore (she/her): Yes, the convention will take place July 8-11 in Baltimore 00:40:23 Devon Anderson: I believe these Special Rules of Order, in parts, are retroactive. The deadline for resolutions WAS June 6th. So, no new resolutions can be introduced. It's codifying changes in the rules that have already been made to enable on-line legislative work. 00:40:43 Devon Anderson: I think! 00:42:15 Michael Booker: Will we use the iPads again this time? 00:42:37 Bryan Krislock: yes - there will be ipads 00:43:47 Christopher Hayes: @Linda Watt: If HOB votes to “take no further action," the resolution dies in HOB and never comes to HOD. If the HOB votes to defer to 81st GC, that action comes to HOD which can agree or disagree. 00:45:26 Emily Mellott: Emily Mellott, Dispatch Vice-Chair: emellott@gmail.com 00:46:25 Emily Mellott: Ryan Kusumoto, Dispatch Chair: rkusumoto@yahoo.com 00:47:09 Jon Delano: Just to be clear, I assume all these proposed changes are one-time changes for this convention only, right? They will have no impact on the next convention, yes? 00:47:32 Paul Ambos, Deputy (NJ): See last page. 00:47:37 Willie Allen-Faiella: The draft calendar says that the evening sessions are “as needed." Just heard “3 sessions a day,” so are the evening sessions now a given? 00:48:30 Gay Jennings: Deputies should assume the evening sessions will be held. 00:48:47 David Sibley: Will Dispatch still create Special Orders of Business of its own initiative as needed for controversial or otherwise "live" resolutions, as in the past, in addition to these Special Rules? 00:49:53 Emily Mellott: Yes, other Special Orders still can be created if and as needed. 00:50:06 David Sibley: Thanks! 00:50:11 Nathan Brown: Section IV.A of the proposed rules says "Any deputy wishing to propose a primary amendment on a matter during asession must submit that amendment to the Secretary after 12 noon EDT on July5, 2022," Is this an earlier draft from the draft we got? 00:50:16 John Michael Sophos (he/his/him): Does this include proposed substitutes? 00:50:23 Michael Booker: How will we know the final text of the resolution (esp those changing this month)? 00:53:00 Sam: Special Rules: 00:53:03 Sarah Lawton: Good question - will proposed amended / substituted resolutions be posted before we arrive at convention, considering that the committee work will be completed and submitted to the system by June 25? 00:53:27 Paul Ambos, Deputy (NJ): Will a deferral to the 81st General Convention need to have concurrence by the House of Bishops? 00:54:05 Jim White - Los Angeles - he/him: Will all these comments in the Chat be available in the recording for later? There's a lot here I don't want to miss and I have to leave. :( 00:54:30 Emily Mellott: The committee reports (proposed committee amendments and substitutes) should be visible in the vBinder by July 5, when primary amendments begin to be accepted. 00:55:01 Sam: V.a.ii- first 6 minutes specifies no motion to end debate. V.a.iii is silent on that issue. Given that debate is limited to 20 minutes, I think V.a.iii should also specify no motion to end debate. Such motions and accompanying votes take up unnecessary time. Thoughts from Brian and Ryan? 00:55:15 Jon Delano: I am impressed with all the hard work and careful consideration that has gone into all the temporary rules changes made for this Convention. Thanks for all involved! -- Jon D. 00:55:28 Willie Allen-Faiella: Ditto! 00:55:37 Eliot Moss: The chat will be saved if the meeting setup includes "save meeting chat". 00:56:43 Willie Allen-Faiella: Will there be any joint sessions with the HoB as in previous GC’s? 00:57:10 Linda Watt: I just want to be sure I have this right. Committees with the HoB as HIA do not need to submit reports on our resolutions. Right? 00:57:32 Michael Booker: My committee is having its final meeting Saturday. How will we submit our decisions to GC? 00:58:55 Tammy Pallot (she/her): Where will the recording of this meeting be available? 00:59:06 Sydney Fitzpatrick (she/hers) Oregon: Jim White you can save the chat by clicking the three dots on the upper right corner and save it. 00:59:18 Stannard Baker, Dio VT (he/him): This is terrific and as clear as possible. Thank you all so much! 00:59:33 Kathleen Moore (she/her): Hi Tammy, the meeting recording will be available with Spanish subtitles on the House of Deputies website 00:59:42 Lee Crawford C-VT (she/her): I echo Deputy Lawton's words of appreciation to this incredible work. 00:59:42 Jenny Knowles (she/her): Thank you so much! This was very very helpful. 01:00:33 alma: Is there a requirement for a background for the person running for Vice President of the House? 01:00:39 Deputy Ed Sisson: Good reason to not remove from Consent Calendar 01:01:34 Carole Maddux: This is very helpful and I have hope that all this thought and work may influence future conventions making them more accessible to bi-vocational leaders and others who have barriers to a large number of days away. 01:03:42 Christopher Hayes: To be clear, the Special Rule eliminates the power of Legislative Committees to remove resolutions from the consent calendar. 01:03:50 Paul Ambos, Deputy (NJ): Is the House of Bishops adopting corresponding special rules; in particular, adding a motion to defer to the 81st GC? 01:03:53 Christopher Hayes: (As I read it and hear Bryan) 01:04:06 alma: The question about the background check for VP was from me- 01:04:22 Deputy Ed Sisson: 17 hours of legislative time and 20 minutes per resolution would only allow for 51 resolutions reaching the floor 01:04:45 alma: Alma Bell 01:06:22 FrMatthew Buterbaugh: For those (particularly overseas) dioceses whose deputation aren't able to attend, will there be any provision for them to weigh in on resolutions? 01:06:22 Paul Ambos, Deputy (NJ): 25 01:07:41 Carla Holeva (she/her): There is a special place in heaven for those of you making and keeping up with these rules. Honestly, you get stars in your crowns!👑💖 01:08:41 Paul Ambos, Deputy (NJ): Special Rule II.c says completion of LC work by June 25, but prior advice was June 27, and some hearings are scheduled for the 25th. 01:08:50 Janet Day-Strehlow: apologies, need to drop. Look forward to reading the draft and then re-watching this session 01:09:16 Russ Randle: When will nominations by the joint committee on nominations be posted? 01:09:55 Dick Rozene, Maine: I also echo the other comments on the work done by Brian and Ryan. If there are no other members from adeputation attending this session, how soon will the recording be available 01:10:40 Andy Tomat: To minimize risk of exposure can First Alternates observe what is going on equally as well from the safety of their hotel room while waiting to be called by the delegation? 01:10:56 Chris Wendell: Just wondering about Deputy Hart's question….Can LC's vote to remove an item from the Consent calendar? 01:13:16 John Michael Sophos (he/his/him): Does that include proposed substitutes? 01:13:52 Emily Mellott: Yes, amendments and proposed substitutes - all committee recommendations on the resolution will go live in the vBinder in this period Bryan is describing 01:15:03 Andy Tomat: great! thank you President Jennings. 01:15:34 Ramelle McCall: will there be less time to conduct deputy certification or recertification? 01:15:46 Jennifer Wickham (she/ her): How far apart will deputies be seated? 01:16:55 Emily Mellott: The current draft calendar shows times for certification and recertification https://extranet.generalconvention.org/staff/files/download/29883 01:18:27 Mike Ehmer: That's correct! 01:22:03 Christopher Hayes: I stand corrected! 01:22:09 Paul Ambos, Deputy (NJ): Don't referrals have to be concurred? Deferrals likewise? 01:22:45 Linda Watt: What is the requirement for reports from our committee when HoB is the Hose of Initial Action? 01:24:39 John Michael Sophos (he/his/him): I have to bail for a Dr. Appointment, Thanks you all so much for this. I look forward to reviewing the recording, 01:25:06 Tammy Pallot (she/her): Drinks will be allowed? 01:25:31 Sarah Lawton: No Belgian chocolate from the Churches in Europe! :( 01:25:35 Scott Moore (he/him): The Deputation from Europe has noted your request. 01:26:01 Margaret Porter: 😩 01:26:29 Rachel Taber-Hamilton [Gemba'teh]: The Deputation from Olympia invites the Deputation from Europe to deliver any and all Belgian chocolates to our suite...… ❤️ 01:26:37 Scott Moore (he/him): noted 01:27:17 Harold William Patrick: You can send the Belgian chocolate to The Diocese of Southern Ohio, too! 01:27:55 Jennifer Wickham (she/ her): The Deputation from West Texas will COME GET IT, European friends. No delivery required. 01:28:20 Linda Watt: Again, I am confused about whether or not the committee needs to submit a report if the HoB is the House of Initial Action. Asking for a friend. 01:29:08 jeff paul: Thanks Bryan & Ryan for all the hard work 01:29:31 Scott Slater/Md C alt (he/him): Maryland Night is limited to two venues now, both with ample outdoor or fresh air volume. 01:29:33 Rev Eric Metoyer: Amen ! great work 01:29:35 L Zoe Cole (she/her): Pretty sure the answer is yes, Linda since each committee takes a vote on what to do with the resolution. It’s always possible the second house doesn't get to make that recommendation 01:29:53 Sandra Bjork: how to copy Chat? 01:29:54 Willie Allen-Faiella: Thank you! 01:29:55 Paul Ambos, Deputy (NJ): Is there a plan for A048 (Task Force on Budget Process, with amendments to canons and HoB & HoD and Joint Rules) to get consideration by the Rules Legislative Committees before coming to floor? 01:30:21 Sydney Fitzpatrick (she/hers) Oregon: to save chat click three dots in the upper right hand corner 01:30:43 kristin madden: I need to check out, as I have to get back to my paid job. Good sessionl 01:31:02 Scott Slater/Md C alt (he/him): PLEASE sign up for Md night. Water Taxi ride or arts museum with lots of outdoor space and food served outdoors under cover. https://gceighty.yourfaithstory.org/ 01:31:26 Willie Allen-Faiella: Europe can bring the chocolates to DIO SE FL in exchange for mojitos 01:31:48 Deputy Ed Sisson: Informative session. Thanks to Ryan and Bryan! 01:31:50 Dep John Kitagawa Arizona: This has been very helpful. thanks to Brian and Ryan and all who have worked so hard. I have to drop off now. 01:31:53 Sydney Fitzpatrick (she/hers) Oregon: The registration for Md night is currently disabled. I just tried it 01:32:27 Sandra Bjork: don't have 3 dots 01:32:41 Dep Scott Allen he/him: We in Bethlehem can only offer Peeps and Yuengling beer. 01:32:45 Sydney Fitzpatrick (she/hers) Oregon: Look on the comment as you are typing it is there 01:32:47 L Zoe Cole (she/her): Thanks to all for hard and creative work in a continually challenging situation! Continued blessings to all 🙏 01:32:58 Sydney Fitzpatrick (she/hers) Oregon: At least on mine 01:33:40 Pan McCaslin: Thank you for all the preparation work for an unusual Convention. 01:33:56 Paul Ambos, Deputy (NJ): Three dots are in the lower right corner of your chat box for "more" 01:34:08 Rebecca Van Sickle: Thank you to all of those who have done such incredible work to allow this Convention to proceed safely and effectively. 01:34:15 Roy Green (Eastern Oregon): Will we have opportunity to celebrate our retiring President? 01:34:47 Charlotte Meyer: Yes! How do we show her our love! 01:34:47 Sydney Fitzpatrick (she/hers) Oregon: I clicked on the link and the page says registration is disabled. 01:36:18 Kathleen Moore (she/her): If you click the three dots, you can download the chat 01:36:29 Elizabeth Wheatley-Jones: The link was disabled. 01:36:57 Eliot Moss: There was a question as to whether the chat will be saved for people who left early ... 01:36:58 Cam Norman: Thank you, everyone. 01:37:06 Kathleen Moore (she/her): The recording, with Spanish subtitles will be made available on the HoD website 01:37:17 Roy Green (Eastern Oregon): Thank you! Celebration is well-deserved. 01:37:43 Rebekah Hatch I ECCT (Alt.) I she/her: https://gceighty.org/maryland-night-events/#:~:text=Monday%2C%20July%2011%20from%206,80th%20General%20Convention%20in%20Baltimore. 01:38:03 Rebekah Hatch I ECCT (Alt.) I she/her: The above link should take you to a main page that lists each event. It seems like you have to register for each event separately. 01:38:34 susanholmes: Thank you for all your work. 01:38:38 Susan Cooper: thank you for your service 🙏 ❤ 01:38:40 Bernie Milano: Thank you for this session 01:38:40 Elizabeth Duff Popplewell, Iowa: Thank you!! 01:38:41 Kim Arakawa (she/hers): Thank you and aloha! 01:38:42 Anne Kitch: THANK YOU ALL !!! 01:38:48 Ashley Hubbard (she/her/hers): Thank you!! 01:38:50 J. Brian Ponder: Thanks, y'all.