March 4, 2015

Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies:

At each General Convention, legislative aides serve the House of Deputies by working closely with the officers of legislative committees to help legislation move through convention efficiently and smoothly. These volunteers, who coordinate their work closely with committee liaisons from the Dispatch of Business Committee, provide a significant service to the House. I am grateful to the Rev. Paul Burrows, who will be returning for his eighth General Convention as a legislative aide, for agreeing to chair this important committee.

Although legislative aides have typically been appointed without an open process, for General Convention 2015, I would like to accept applications from people who are interested in serving the House of Deputies in this way. Both alternate deputies and volunteers who will attend General Convention at their own expense are eligible to apply. Legislative aides must arrive in Salt Lake City in time for a meeting at 2 pm on June 23, and must stay through the close of convention on July 3. I hope that people who are especially comfortable with technology will apply, because all of the legislative work at this General Convention will be done electronically through the “virtual binder.”

You can read more about the job description of legislative aides online and apply online by March 31. Please share this information with people who are planning to attend General Convention and might be interested in this work.



The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings
President, House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church