Welcome to this virtual meeting of Executive Council, which was originally supposed to be an in-person meeting in Cleveland, near where I live. I was looking forward to having you all here, but now I confess to some relief that you are all home and, I hope, safe on...
Bienvenidos a esta reunión virtual del Consejo Ejecutivo. Esta reunión originalmente iba a celebrarse en persona en la ciudad de Cleveland, cerca de donde yo vivo. Tenía muchas ganas de tenerlos a todos aquí, pero ahora confieso que siento cierto alivio porque están...
From the President
Welcome to the website of the House of Deputies. I hope that you will use this site to learn more about the ministry and mission that is made possible by General Convention and about the history and role of the House of Deputies.
If you have questions, ideas, or comments about the work of the House of Deputies, please email me, visit our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter. And be sure to sign up for our monthly email newsletter.