Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies,

As we gather for the 81st General Convention, let us unite in our commitment to embody Christ’s love, peace, and justice by each of us signing the voluntary Community Covenant for members of the House of Deputies.

This covenant, firmly rooted in Scripture and our Baptismal vows, calls us to respect the dignity of every person, seek Christ in all, strive for justice, care for creation, foster inclusivity and safety, pray for guidance, and support each other in accountability.

By voluntarily adding your name and pledging to actively embody these principles, you contribute to shaping a General Convention environment of mutual respect, Spirit-led discernment, and faithful witness within the House of Deputies. Your pledge and ongoing commitment help ensure all voices are heard, all people are welcomed, and our work together brings glory to God.

Join your fellow deputies in affirming this sacred commitment and for our shared journey forward. Sign the voluntary Community Covenant for the House of Deputies, and let us hold one another accountable to living out these values, walking together as followers of Jesus, led by the power of the Holy Spirit.


President Julia Ayala Harris

Click here to read and sign the community covenant