Dear Friends,
With the energy of our General Convention still resonating and the warmth of summer surrounding us, I am reaching out to you with an important personal update. In the spirit of transparency and open communication that we value in our church, I am writing to share some personal health news with you.
After a series of medical tests and discussions with my family and doctors, I have decided to undergo a total hysterectomy and unilateral oophorectomy on August 15, 2024. This frequently performed surgery will address several painful yet common, non-cancerous health issues, including uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and pelvic congestion syndrome. I’m deeply grateful for the skilled medical professionals guiding my care.
I share this information not only for transparency but to help normalize conversations about these health issues that affect many in our community, particularly those with uteruses. By speaking openly, I hope to encourage others to take their pain seriously and to seek care without shame.
Our leadership team is fully prepared to manage any urgent matters that may arise during my brief healing period. I expect to return to return to my full duties in mid-September.
I am grateful for the support and prayer from Presiding Bishop Curry and Presiding Bishop-Elect Rowe over these last few weeks and in the month ahead. I ask for your prayers: prayers for me as I navigate these next few weeks of care and healing and prayers for all those facing similar health challenges. May we all see greater health, wellness, and comfort when in a season of discomfort.
Thank you for your understanding and dedication to the House of Deputies and the mission of the church. I look forward to returning to our shared ministry with renewed energy, ready to tackle the important work ahead for our church as we strive to embody Christ’s love and compassion in a world longing for healing.
Julia Ayala Harris
President of the House of Deputies
The Episcopal Church