About the House


The House of Deputies currently has more than 1000 members (including alternates) and is composed of up to four lay and four clerical deputies from each diocese or jurisdiction, elected in the manner determined by each jurisdiction. At each General Convention, the House of Deputies elects—or reelects—a president to serve a three-year term.


President Julia Ayala Harris

Ms. Julia Ayala Harris was elected president of the House of Deputies at the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church in 2022. She is the first Latina and woman of color to hold the position.

Vice President Steve Pankey

The Rev. Steve Pankey was elected vice-president of the House of Deputies at the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church in 2024.


Information about the deputations is maintained by the General Convention Office. For a listing of deputies by diocese, please select one from the list below, or visit the House of Deputies page on the General Convention website.

Select your diocese.


Governance & Structure

Explore the intricate governance and structure that form the backbone of the Episcopal Church. Understanding how our church is organized and governed offers valuable insights into the principles of inclusivity, shared leadership, and community that guide our faith.

History of the House of Deputies

Discover the rich and inspiring history of the House of Deputies, a cornerstone of the Episcopal Church’s governance. From its founding to its pivotal role in shaping the church’s mission and values, the House of Deputies has been instrumental in promoting inclusivity, leadership, and community.

Past Presidents

Dive into the remarkable legacy of the past Presidents of the House of Deputies, who have each left an indelible mark on the Episcopal Church. From trailblazers who championed social justice to visionary leaders who guided the church through times of change, their stories reflect the courage, dedication, and faith that have shaped our House.