Bearing Faithful Witness

Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies: Each time we gather at Christ’s table, we proclaim an ancient truth that echoes through the centuries: Divine love knows no borders, grace flows as freely as living water, and in the face of the stranger, we may encounter...

Hope in a Weary Time: A Call to Love and Justice

Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies, Stepping into this new season together, I am mindful of how the Spirit calls us to both steadfast conviction and tender compassion. Let me speak plainly about who we are and what we stand for as Episcopalians and as disciples of...

Winter Talk 2025

Good evening Relatives in Christ, As we gather here on this sacred Oklahoma soil, I am deeply moved by the profound spiritual resonance of this moment. This land, once known as Indian Territory, now serves as home to 39 federally recognized tribes whose wisdom,...
VPHOD New Years Message

VPHOD New Years Message

Dear Friends and Fellow Deputies, I am not a New Year’s Resolution kind of person.  I always figure that if I can’t motivate myself from within, some arbitrary date on the calendar isn’t going to do it either.  Plus, my birthday is in mid-January and that’s its own...