Responding to calls from Episcopalians across the church to act on behalf of families seeking asylum at the southern U. S. border, a team of concerned leaders heading to General Convention has planned a prayer service outside the T. Don Hutto Residential Detention...
April 27, 2018 Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies: General Convention meets just once every three years, so we deputies have a great responsibility to elect and confirm many of the people who do the work of the church in between conventions. At this convention,...
At the 79th General Convention, the House of Deputies will elect people to these positions: President of the House of Deputies: 1 clerical or lay deputy for a 3-year term Vice-President of the House of Deputies: 1 clerical or lay deputy of the opposite order of the...
President Jennings gave these remarks on April 21 at the opening session of the Executive Council meeting on April 21, 2018: Good morning, and welcome to Austin! It’s 75 days until the first day of legislative business. Just in case you are keeping track. I am! Since...
Good morning. I’m glad to be here with you. Thank you for inviting me to share your preparations for General Convention. I hope that I can be helpful as you learn and caucus and organize, and that I can learn from all of your as I prepare to lead the House of Deputies...
Forty-seven member panel to draft legislation for General Convention 2018 House of Deputies President Gay Clark Jennings has appointed a House of Deputies special committee that will draft legislation on sexual harassment and exploitation for this summer’s...
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