The Christian Tradition We Would Far Rather Forget

The Christian Tradition We Would Far Rather Forget

The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, president of the House of Deputies, released this statement on August 14 in response to racist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 11 and 12: Like many Americans, I was horrified to watch white supremacist violence in...
Legislative Committee Survey Now Online

Legislative Committee Survey Now Online

[En ingles y español] July 14, 2017 Dear Deputies, In preparation for the 79th General Convention in July 2018, I am beginning the process of appointing deputies to legislative committees. The Presiding Bishop and I wrote to bishops and deputies about our plans for...

Three Buckets of Water

President Jennings delivered these remarks to Executive Council on June 9 at the beginning of a meeting held in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Good morning. I’m glad to be here with you in the Diocese of Puerto Rico. It’s been nearly ten years since Executive Council convened...