Parliamentary Procedure Charts

House of Deputies Parliamentarian Bryan Krislock has prepared reference charts of how to make common parliamentary motions. The first chart can be used as long as the current Rules of Order are in place; the second chart can be used if the House of Deputies adopts the...

A Romp Through the Virtual Binder

Deputy Liz Brauza of the Diocese of Western New York has created “A Romp Through the Virtual Binder” to help deputies practice for our first paperless General Convention. Download the document and visit the virtual binder “sandbox” site through...

Challenge Grant Doubles Gifts Made by June 30

June 9, 2015 Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies: We’re less than four weeks away from the end of the House of Deputies campaign to raise $75,000 for Episcopal Relief & Development’s 75th anniversary, and we have some terrific news. A generous group of donors...