Blessings and strength to you dear friends, dear Deputies. About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. Luke 9:28 As we approach the season of Lent and begin legislative committee hearings on Zoom...
If you are feeling anything like the way I am lately, the rate and scale at which everything is changing is so disorienting and destabilizing that it sometimes feels nearly impossible to figure out which end is up. The upheaval can feel like being sucked up into a...
Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies, As you may have heard by now, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a letter Tuesday to state health agencies saying that medical treatments provided to transgender adolescents—widely considered the standard of care in medical...
Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies: In November 2020, when the Presiding Bishop and I announced that General Convention would be postponed by a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we wrote: “To make best use of the adaptive moment now facing us, we will appoint both...
Bienvenidos a esta reunión virtual del Consejo Ejecutivo. Esta reunión originalmente iba a celebrarse en persona en la ciudad de Cleveland, cerca de donde yo vivo. Tenía muchas ganas de tenerlos a todos aquí, pero ahora confieso que siento cierto alivio porque están...
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