Scott MacDougall Appointed HoD Theologian

Scott MacDougall Appointed HoD Theologian

President Gay Clark Jennings is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Scott MacDougall, associate professor of theology at Church Divinity School of the Pacific, as theologian of the House of Deputies. In his new role MacDougall will reflect with deputies on the...
Becoming Beloved Community NOW: Justice

Becoming Beloved Community NOW: Justice

On July 29, President Jennings made these remarks to the Becoming Beloved Community NOW: Justice online gathering, which was led by Deputy Edwin Johnson of Massachusetts. Learn more about the initiative from Episcopal News Service and watch the recording. Thank you,...
A Conversation with Mayor Pete Buttigieg

A Conversation with Mayor Pete Buttigieg

On July 15, President Gay Clark Jennings hosted Mayor Pete Buttigieg, an active Episcopalian and member of the Cathedral of St. James in South Bend, Indiana, in a conversation about the intersection of faith and politics. The webinar is the first in a series for...