President Jennings gave these opening remarks to an online meeting of Executive Council on June 8: Good morning. I’m glad to be with you all this morning and I want to to welcome, for the first time, people from across the Episcopal Church via live stream on YouTube....
Dear Bishops and Deputies: As this pandemic season stretches on, our profound grief for those who have died is compounded by daily reminders of the economic hardship the plague has brought to many of our communities. Even those who have not suffered great losses are...
Presiding Jennings gave these opening remarks to an online meeting of Executive Council on April 29: Good morning. I’m very glad to be with all of you, albeit remotely, as we all continue to adjust our lives and our ministries to the coronavirus pandemic. I know that...
Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies: I pray that you and those you love are well in the midst of this unprecedented season. I am glad to have had a chance to talk with so many of you in the days since we began staying home to flatten the curve of the pandemic. I am...
During the last twenty years, I have served as a critical incident stress debriefer for emergency service workers and clergy in disaster zones, and I have seen firsthand how those experiences change physical, social, emotional and spiritual landscapes dramatically. I...
The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, president of the House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church, has released this statement about the death of Bishop Barbara Harris: It is almost impossible to imagine the Episcopal Church without Bishop Barbara Harris, the first female...
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