Speak Out Sunday

Speak Out Sunday

On November 24, Episcopal Relief & Development joined partners across the country in SPEAK OUT SUNDAY, a day of prayer, teaching, dialogue and action about gender based violence and its prevention. Learn more in a blog post by President Jennings....

Executive Council Meets in Chicago

The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church met in Chicago from October 15-17 at the headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). At the meeting, Executive Council approved the Episcopal Church’s 2014 budget, approved spending a portion...

Discurso de Apertura Consejo Ejecutivo

Recientemente he estado prestando atención a las conversaciones en línea del internet sobre la identidad y la estructura de la Iglesia Episcopal. Para citar el título del reciente libro de ensayos editado por Winnie Varghese y publicado por La Publicación de la...
Church World Service Immigration Summit

Church World Service Immigration Summit

On October 8, President Jennings, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, Bishop Johncy Itty, Peter Persell of theEpiscopal Diocese of Washington;and 20 other ecumenical leaders met with Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and six other members of Congress about...