Short on Politics, Long on Jesus

What is General Convention like? After the 2012 convention, President Gay Clark Jennings wrote this essay for The Washington Post: Every three years, the Episcopal Church lays itself open to criticism and ridicule by gathering about a thousand people together for...

Scope and Authority of General Convention

“There shall be a General Convention of this Church … .” Thus opens the Constitution of the Episcopal Church. Art. I.1. Dr. Pamela Chinnis, President of the House of Deputies from 1991-2000, once summarized General Convention’s authority in this way: General...

Summary of Actions

On August 10, 2012, the General Convention Office released the Summary of Actions of the 77th General Convention. In his introductory letter, Executive Officer and Secretary of General Convention Gregory Straub wrote: The 77th General Convention considered 411 pieces...

Resolution D059 In Action

Deputy Sarah Lawton and her colleagues in the Diocese of California have begun putting Resolution D059 to work by advocating for immigration reform. Read the coverage in Episcopal News Service.