New Council of Advice Includes Bishop

For the first time in memory, a bishop has been named as one of the closest advisors to the president of the House of Deputies. “Bishop Sean Rowe of the Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania has generously agreed to sit on my council and foster closer...

President’s First Message to the House

Dear Friends and Colleagues: Becoming president of the House of Deputies has been a little bit like full immersion baptism. It’s great to be enveloped by the Holy Spirit, but you still have to come up for air. For most of the last two months, I’ve been...

78th General Convention

The 78th General Convention will be held June 25-July 3, 2015 in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements and the General Convention Office are focusing on efforts to make GC 2015 as paperless as possible, and to reduce reliance...