Welcome to the House of Deputies

Welcome to the House of Deputies

Welcome to the House of Deputies

Welcome to the House of Deputies

Welcome to the House of Deputies

Welcome to the House of Deputies

Welcome to the House of Deputies

Recent News

COVID-19 Care at the 80th General Convention

Confidential reporting mechanism for all General Convention attendees: If you test positive, please text Dr. Rodney Coldren at 724-603-0232. House of Deputies COVID Care Plan Once a positive test has been reported, Dr. Coldren or a member of the House of Deputies...

Second Candidate Forum Video Available

The recording of the second President of the House of Deputies and Vice President of the House of Deputies candidate forum, which took place on June 13, is now available with Spanish subtitles. See candidate profiles here: https://houseofdeputies.org/candidate-forums/...

First Candidate Forum Video Available

First Candidate Forum Video Available

The recording of the first President of the House of Deputies and Vice President of the House of Deputies candidate forum, which took place on June 4, is now available with Spanish subtitles. Join us for the second candidate forum at 2 p.m. Eastern today:...

Blue Book Podcast

“House of Deputies Blue Book Podcast” is your go-to resource for staying informed, engaged, and connected with the ongoing developments within the General Convention and its interim bodies. Whether you’re a deputy to the 81st General Convention, a member of a local parish, or a church geek, this podcast will provide valuable insights, thought-provoking conversations, and a deeper understanding of The Episcopal Church’s role in today‘s world.

In each episode, President Ayala Harris will bring you insightful interviews with members of the House of Deputies. Together, they will explore the various resolutions and topics presented in the Blue Book, discussing their significance, implications, and how they shape the direction of the 81st General Convention.

“Accessibility, inclusivity, and safety; values essential to realizing our determination to be a Church where all are truly welcome, valued, and empowered to exercise leadership and join in God’s mission.” President Ayala Harris