House of Deputies Legislative Committees Appointed

House of Deputies Legislative Committees Appointed

More than 483 deputies will serve on House of Deputies legislative committees at the 80th General Convention, House of Deputies President Gay Clark Jennings has announced. The triennial meeting, originally planned for 2021, is now scheduled to take place in Baltimore...
House of Deputies Legislative Committees Appointed

From the Presiding Officers: Online Election for the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop/Las elecciones en línea para el Comité Conjunto de Nominaciones para la Elección del Obispo Primado

Dear Bishops and Deputies: A week from today—Tuesday, June 8—we will begin the online election for the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop. This way of electing leaders will be an experiment—one of many we have undertaken during the...
House of Deputies Legislative Committees Appointed

GC80 Legislative Committees Survey Now Available

Dear Deputies: In preparation for the 80th General Convention in July 2022, I am beginning the process of appointing deputies to legislative committees. The Presiding Bishop and I wrote to bishops and deputies about our plans for legislative committees on February 23;...