
House of Deputies of The Episcopal Church

General Convention

Every three years, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church meets to consider the legislative business of the church. The General Convention, which includes the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies, is the primary governing and legislative body of the church. Between conventions, the General Convention continues to work through its committees, commissions, agencies and boards. The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church carries out the programs and policies adopted by General Convention.

Parliamentary Resource Deputies Appointed

President Jennings has appointed 13 deputies who will be available to answer questions about parliamentary procedure, help deputies make motions, and more. The deputies who have agreed to serve are: Larry Hitt of the Diocese of Colorado Joan Geiszler-Ludlum of the Diocese of East Carolina Sally Johnson of the Diocese of Minnesota Paul Ambos of…
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A Letter from President Jennings: Are You Ready?

June 15, 2015 Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies: Are you ready? In a week, we’ll begin gathering in Salt Lake City for General Convention. During the last three years, I’ve met so many of you online, over the phone, and at meetings, and I can’t wait for the chance to be together in one place…
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Parliamentary Procedure Charts

House of Deputies Parliamentarian Bryan Krislock has prepared reference charts of how to make common parliamentary motions. The first chart can be used as long as the current Rules of Order are in place; the second chart can be used if the House of Deputies adopts the new proposed rules. These charts will not be…
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A Romp Through the Virtual Binder

Deputy Liz Brauza of the Diocese of Western New York has created “A Romp Through the Virtual Binder” to help deputies practice for our first paperless General Convention. Download the document and visit the virtual binder “sandbox” site through Thursday, June 18 to practice. “You cannot break it,” Brauza writes. “I promise.” After June 18, the…
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Elecciones por la Cámara de los Diputados

28 de abril del 2015 Estimados Diputados y Diputados Alternos: La Convención General se reúne una vez cada tres años, por lo que los diputados tienen la gran responsabilidad de elegir y confirmar a muchas de las personas que hacen el trabajo de la Iglesia entre las convenciones. En esta convención, vamos a elegir a…
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A Letter from President Jennings: Elections and Confirmations at General Convention

April 28, 2015 Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies: General Convention meets just once every three years, so we deputies have a great responsibility to elect and confirm many of the people who do the work of the church in between conventions. At this convention, we’ll elect 50 people to nine different positions, confirm House of…
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Elections and Confirmations by the House of Deputies

At the 78th General Convention, the House of Deputies will elect people to these positions: President of the House of Deputies: 1 clerical or lay deputy for a 3-year term Vice-President of the House of Deputies: 1 clerical or lay deputy of the opposite order of the president for a 3-year term Secretary of the…
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Making Nominations from the Floor

At the 78th General Convention, the House of Deputies will elect: President of the House of Deputies: 1 clerical or lay deputy for a 3-year term Vice-President of the House of Deputies: 1 clerical or lay deputy of the opposite order of the president for a 3-year term Secretary of the House of Deputies*: 3-year…
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Legislative Committee Rosters Released

Legislative committees of deputies, along with parallel legislative committees of bishops, work before and during General Convention to review and propose legislation for the convention to consider. For General Convention 2015, President Jennings has appointed the deputy committees listed below. To learn more about how this convention’s committees were established jointly by the Presiding Bishop…
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Legislative Aide Applications Open Through March 31

At each General Convention, legislative aides serve the House of Deputies by working closely with the officers of legislative committees to help legislation move through convention efficiently and smoothly. For General Convention 2015, legislative aides will be appointed through a new open application process. Both alternate deputies and volunteers who will attend General Convention at…
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Resources for Legislative Committee Officers

The documents on this page are samples from past General Conventions that may help legislative committee officers organize and communicate with their committees: Sample Welcome Email to Legislative Committee (Word) Sample Welcome Email to Legislative Committee (PDF) Sample Covenant for Legislative Committee (Word) Sample Covenant for Legislative Committee (PDF) Sample Legislative Committee Mtg Schedule (Word) Sample Legislative…
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House of Deputies Legislative and House Committee Officers

01 Dispatch of Business Chair: The Rev. Dr. James B. Simons (Pittsburgh, III) Vice Chair: The Very Rev. Anthony R. Pompa (Bethlehem, III) Secretary: Mr. Kenneth C. Beck (Spokane, VIII) Assistant Secretary: The Rev. Martha B. Berger (Milwaukee, V) 02 Certification of Minutes Chair: Ms. Sally Russell (Western Kansas, VII) Vice Chair: Mrs. Kaycee Reib…
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