
House of Deputies of The Episcopal Church


Elecciones por la Cámara de los Diputados

28 de abril del 2015 Estimados Diputados y Diputados Alternos: La Convención General se reúne una vez cada tres años, por lo que los diputados tienen la gran responsabilidad de elegir y confirmar a muchas de las personas que hacen el trabajo de la Iglesia entre las convenciones. En esta convención, vamos a elegir a…
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A Letter from President Jennings: Elections and Confirmations at General Convention

April 28, 2015 Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies: General Convention meets just once every three years, so we deputies have a great responsibility to elect and confirm many of the people who do the work of the church in between conventions. At this convention, we’ll elect 50 people to nine different positions, confirm House of…
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Elections and Confirmations by the House of Deputies

At the 78th General Convention, the House of Deputies will elect people to these positions: President of the House of Deputies: 1 clerical or lay deputy for a 3-year term Vice-President of the House of Deputies: 1 clerical or lay deputy of the opposite order of the president for a 3-year term Secretary of the…
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Making Nominations from the Floor

At the 78th General Convention, the House of Deputies will elect: President of the House of Deputies: 1 clerical or lay deputy for a 3-year term Vice-President of the House of Deputies: 1 clerical or lay deputy of the opposite order of the president for a 3-year term Secretary of the House of Deputies*: 3-year…
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Remarks to the Deputies of Color Meeting

On March 21, President Jennings spoke to the Deputies of Color meeting in Salt Lake City: A couple of weeks ago, some small change, fifty years in the making, came to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Congressman John Lewis, lion of the civil rights movement, received the Jonathan Daniels Humanitarian Award from the Virginia Military…
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Structure, Identity, and Magical Thinking

In the last few years, there’s been an identity crisis brewing in some of the churchwide structures of the Episcopal Church. The decidedly dour name of the New York corporation under which the Episcopal Church does business—the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society—has somehow reared its head outside of legal and corporate documents, and the staff…
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Opening Remarks to Executive Council March 2015

President Jennings gave these remarks to the opening session of the Episcopal Church Executive Council on March 19, 2015: I’ve recently finished a marathon. I didn’t run 26.2 miles—with the winter we’ve had in Ohio, it would have been more practical to ice skate that far—but I did recently complete the long, absorbing, and fulfilling…
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From President Jennings: Legislative Committee Appointments

Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies: Earlier today, I posted the final rosters of legislative committees for General Convention 2015 on the House of Deputies website. Thank you to all of you who filled out last summer’s online survey about your committee preferences, and thank you to all of you who have accepted an appointment to…
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Legislative Committee Rosters Released

Legislative committees of deputies, along with parallel legislative committees of bishops, work before and during General Convention to review and propose legislation for the convention to consider. For General Convention 2015, President Jennings has appointed the deputy committees listed below. To learn more about how this convention’s committees were established jointly by the Presiding Bishop…
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Invitation to Submit Legislative Aide Applications

March 4, 2015 Dear Deputies and Alternate Deputies: At each General Convention, legislative aides serve the House of Deputies by working closely with the officers of legislative committees to help legislation move through convention efficiently and smoothly. These volunteers, who coordinate their work closely with committee liaisons from the Dispatch of Business Committee, provide a…
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Legislative Aide Applications Open Through March 31

At each General Convention, legislative aides serve the House of Deputies by working closely with the officers of legislative committees to help legislation move through convention efficiently and smoothly. For General Convention 2015, legislative aides will be appointed through a new open application process. Both alternate deputies and volunteers who will attend General Convention at…
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Remarks to the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget & Finance February 2015

President Jennings gave these remarks today to the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget & Finance: Our stewardship of money is a spiritual matter, and the budget is a deeply theological document. What I do with what I have says a great deal about my Christian walk. So what we do as a Church with…
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